Why It Matters
There are a lot of people, "journalists" included, that are railing against Palin's remarks about Obama's connections to some unsavory characters. They try bullying tactics, saying it's veiled racism to bring these issues up. Puhlease! What is racist about questioning the associations of a presidential candidate? Absolutely nothing! The fact that so many libs have their feathers ruffled about these associations being brought up says that they ARE afraid of something, which makes investigating Obama's ties all the more important.
Obama doesn't help himself by evading the questions. What's he trying to hide? What also doesn't help, either, is that groups that he has been a member of scrub their websites to pretend he was never a member. The New Party, which is basically a socialist group, has scrubbed its website of any mention of Barack as a member. Obama campaigns against politics as usual, while engaging in politics as usual by hiding aspects of his past that the average American would find unsavory. Why is the New Party hiding the fact that Obama was a member? Why is Obama downplaying his associations with Ayers? What's up with him and Rezko? Was he sleeping in church when Wright made all of those inflammatory comments? The more that comes out about Obama, the more he tries to hide and downplay his unsavory associations, the more I fear an Obama presidency. I think he will make America a socialist nation.
His soft wording in the debates is really just a fluffy way of talking about socialism. He wants what's "fair". If my figures are correct, 42% of Americans pay NO federal income tax. But for Obama, that's not 'fair'. It will only be 'fair' when he taxes the "wealthy" and redistributes that money to those that are paying no income tax. CBS did a story about how under McCain's tax plan, a family living on a teacher's salary will continue to pay NO federal income tax. Under Obama's tax plan, that same family will receive a check from the federal government, because Obama thinks that is "fair".
The problem I have with liberal politicians like Obama is they want to be generous with OTHER people's money, but not his own. It's sad when my husband and I are more generous than the Obamas, who are MILLIONAIRES. We have to question WHY Obama doesn't walk the walk. If it's so unfair for rich people, like him, to have money, then why hasn't he been more generous with his money? It's because it's about the power. Democrats are about creating a welfare class of dependent voters, and once Obama starts passing out other people's money to Americans who pay no income tax, it'll be hard to take that away from them, and those folks will not vote in a party that would take away that government hand out. And then we have the decline of America as we know it: the America that is entrepreneurial, ambitious, hardworking, inventive. We cease to be the country of ideas and solutions and cures, and join the ranks of the oppressed and unmotivated.
This is part of the reason why Palin is so attractive. Newsweek says she is 'one of us, and that's the problem' (yet, don't they also lament politicians who are 'out of touch'?). I think that is the VERY reason to elect her and McCain. Washington has been run by people who are so not 'one of us', and look where it's gotten us. Incestuous ties that are corrupt and questionable, money being spent to reward their campaign donors instead of being spent on our infrastructure and energy independence and national security. I find it rather refreshing to have a 'one of us' who has an 80% approval rating in her own state, who has no incestuous, corrupt, DC ties, who is not afraid to champion reform, and who truly understands what America wants and needs, and that is politicians who work FOR us when they're spending our money; not campaigning for themselves with the money they take from 58% of the population via taxes.
Aren't most of us disgusted with our bloated, ineffective government? Then why would we elect someone who believes in bigger government? McCain has the record of being a champion of smaller government. When I think of all of my dealings with government, and how inefficient, ineffective, and unpleasant it has been, I shudder to think what a socialist like Obama will do to our country.
Obama doesn't help himself by evading the questions. What's he trying to hide? What also doesn't help, either, is that groups that he has been a member of scrub their websites to pretend he was never a member. The New Party, which is basically a socialist group, has scrubbed its website of any mention of Barack as a member. Obama campaigns against politics as usual, while engaging in politics as usual by hiding aspects of his past that the average American would find unsavory. Why is the New Party hiding the fact that Obama was a member? Why is Obama downplaying his associations with Ayers? What's up with him and Rezko? Was he sleeping in church when Wright made all of those inflammatory comments? The more that comes out about Obama, the more he tries to hide and downplay his unsavory associations, the more I fear an Obama presidency. I think he will make America a socialist nation.
His soft wording in the debates is really just a fluffy way of talking about socialism. He wants what's "fair". If my figures are correct, 42% of Americans pay NO federal income tax. But for Obama, that's not 'fair'. It will only be 'fair' when he taxes the "wealthy" and redistributes that money to those that are paying no income tax. CBS did a story about how under McCain's tax plan, a family living on a teacher's salary will continue to pay NO federal income tax. Under Obama's tax plan, that same family will receive a check from the federal government, because Obama thinks that is "fair".
The problem I have with liberal politicians like Obama is they want to be generous with OTHER people's money, but not his own. It's sad when my husband and I are more generous than the Obamas, who are MILLIONAIRES. We have to question WHY Obama doesn't walk the walk. If it's so unfair for rich people, like him, to have money, then why hasn't he been more generous with his money? It's because it's about the power. Democrats are about creating a welfare class of dependent voters, and once Obama starts passing out other people's money to Americans who pay no income tax, it'll be hard to take that away from them, and those folks will not vote in a party that would take away that government hand out. And then we have the decline of America as we know it: the America that is entrepreneurial, ambitious, hardworking, inventive. We cease to be the country of ideas and solutions and cures, and join the ranks of the oppressed and unmotivated.
This is part of the reason why Palin is so attractive. Newsweek says she is 'one of us, and that's the problem' (yet, don't they also lament politicians who are 'out of touch'?). I think that is the VERY reason to elect her and McCain. Washington has been run by people who are so not 'one of us', and look where it's gotten us. Incestuous ties that are corrupt and questionable, money being spent to reward their campaign donors instead of being spent on our infrastructure and energy independence and national security. I find it rather refreshing to have a 'one of us' who has an 80% approval rating in her own state, who has no incestuous, corrupt, DC ties, who is not afraid to champion reform, and who truly understands what America wants and needs, and that is politicians who work FOR us when they're spending our money; not campaigning for themselves with the money they take from 58% of the population via taxes.
Aren't most of us disgusted with our bloated, ineffective government? Then why would we elect someone who believes in bigger government? McCain has the record of being a champion of smaller government. When I think of all of my dealings with government, and how inefficient, ineffective, and unpleasant it has been, I shudder to think what a socialist like Obama will do to our country.
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