Wednesday, October 18, 2006

TV Execs Say Conservatives Need Not Watch

Any conservatives watching any network TV? We are essentially an entire demographic that gets ignored. The few nuggets we are tossed are of the reality TV variety, ie, Extreme Makeover Home Edition. But pop on any old prime time show and you'll find conservative Christians the butt of jokes. Studio 60 seems designed solely to pick on Christians. Disappointing, given the star studded cast. Boston Legal likes to portray Christians as kooky psycho killers and the liberal lawyers as reasonable and rational. I don't know any conservative Christians that resemble those portrayed on the likes of Boston Legal. Desperate Housewives couldn't resist making Bree prudish in bed, declaring "I'm a Republican" as explanation for why she doesn't engage in certain acts. Many shows are including gay couples, or suggestions of normalcy for straight people to kiss someone of the same sex. It seems many in Hollywood feel it is their duty not to entertain, but to push their own beliefs and agenda on to those they hate: conservative Christians.

And if you're thinking morning programs are better, think again. The Today show long ago left me in the dust with their stories on 'girl crushes'. The View, whose view? A bunch of liberal bullies and a token conservative who they gang up on? Barbara long left her idea for The View. What she now has is 3 post menopausal women, all unmarried, all liberal, all carrying a little extra weight, two of them comedians...gee, what different views can they give us? And for the ladies that like to preach tolerance, they showed their lack of tolerance when interviewing Bill O'Reilly for his latest book. Elizabeth never got to ask him one question. Barbara, Rosie and Joy all yelled over each other at Bill. They never gave Bill a chance to actually explain his perspective and his book. We understand it's about Traditionalists vs. Secular Progressives. That's about all he got to tell us. Barbara rolled her eyes and flimsily held up the book at the end and dumped it off to Rosie. Is this professional? Bill O'Reilly has the #1 cable news show; how are his fans to view her actions? Then there's Oprah, who seems to be more and more out of touch. She gave a platform to the liberal Bush hating Frank Rich of the NY Times, calling it Truth in America. It was Liberal Rage and Un-Truths in America. Oprah's team clearly doesn't know how to research or Oprah would have called him on all of his lies.

So which network will dare to target the conservative Christian demographic? Which network will reap the rewards that Mel did with Passion of the Christ? In the meantime, I guess it's good for us conservative Christians to have less options in TV means we're watching less TV.


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