Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Let's Call It Even

TMZ ran a story about celebs who claim to be green, but selectively so.

When it comes to transportation, we don't look for luxury, we look for what meets our needs. We have a sedan so that when aging parents visit, we have a comfortable car for them to ride around in. It's not a luxury class sedan. We researched the different makes and models to find the one that we felt would last us a long time. We found one that we're happy with and that meets our needs.

We also needed an SUV. Our part time business requires us to tow a trailer, and we also needed the cargo for hauling wood and other such materials. We got what we could afford and have been making it work. We looked at our lifestyle and our needs and chose accordingly.

Let's get to the celebs. The celebs mentioned were Julia Roberts, JLO, Brad Pitt, and George Clooney. Kudos to these celebs that are driving hybrids. That's the best way to prove your point: live by example. The contrast between what they preach and what they do comes to light when it comes to flying. The celebs highlighted in the TMZ article today all fly by private jet, with the miles in the U.S. running around 1100-3000 miles, and overseas private flights to Tokyo and Africa. One celeb's rep said that obviously the author of the article had no clue about the celeb's "need for private transport" and that the celebrity has no control over his schedule. That's fine; Americans can be understanding. What this celebrity did was make a personal choice based on his needs and his means. But how does he reconcile that with his concerns over the environment? How does he feel justified preaching to the rest of us about being green when he is flying in luxury? Most of us that he is preaching to really have no frivolous luxuries in our life that harms the environment. How about us peons in the fly-over states, to make up for driving our gas guzzling non-hybrids, only fly commercial as a way to balance our energy consumption, and the limousine liberals that preach conservation to us can continue to drive their hybrids to make up for flying privately. Let's call it even.


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