Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Candidates for 2008

Apparently our choices for President for 2008 are going to be limited to Democrats. Really, given the alphabet soup's coverage of potential Democratic candidates for '08 I have only to conclude that Republicans will not be running. From the evening news to morning programs to weekend programs, Democrats have enjoyed rock star coverage. Hillary Clinton from day one has enjoyed speculation about her run. The media has single handedly made her a legitimate candidate by all the press they give her and their constant accolades surrounding her.

John Edwards has been back in the spotlight through the release of his wife's book, and we've been treated to "John the Family Man" who drives his kids to school. But no one thought to trail him on his and his wife's anniversary to see if they went back to Wendy's.

And lately Barack Obama has enjoyed the rock star coverage with the release of his book. So now the headlines are filled with speculation about Barack's presidential ambitions and will white people vote for him? (They still haven't figured out that conservatives are principled voters and will vote for the candidate that represents the principles...color of skin and gender never factors in to the equation; part of the reason why Condi hasn't been paraded around as the token minority in the Bush administration; liberals, on the other hand, love to congratulate themselves any time a minority is granted a position of power, and the person is paraded in front of the media with speeches about what the tolerant liberals are doing for all of humankind by appointing a minority).

Name one candidate on the Republican side who has received the same speculation. Can't think of one? And the alphabet soups wonder why we conservatives don't trust them!

As a side note: thanks to Jane Fonda for telling us on this morning's View that those of us that voted for GW actually thought he stood for the OPPOSITE of what he actually stands for! The majority of GW supporters were misinformed! The mainstream media did a complete disservice by not giving us the facts! Is it just me or are the limousine liberals becoming more and more out of touch with reality?


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