Thursday, March 01, 2007

Pictures as Propaganda

I used to despise watching Rosie O'Donnell blabber her thoughtless diatribes on the View, but now I've come to realize that she's actually pretty inspirational, because she is indicative of what is wrong with liberals.

She recently blasted the lone conservative on the show, Elisabeth Hasselbeck, wanting to know what Elisabeth thought about the administration not allowing soldiers' coffins to be shown. Elisabeth felt that the media wanted to use the coffins as propaganda and that it was the right call to make. Rosie stated that it was propaganda to not allow them to be used.

Rosie wants them to be used simply because she knows pictures are powerful, and she has an agenda behind that desire: to make Americans push for an end to the war. The libs know pictures are powerful. That's why the media decided to quit airing scenes from 9/11. They felt the pictures were too inflammatory and incited a 'get even' mindset. Rosie has conveniently forgotten this. Libs also think it is in bad taste any time an abortion protestor uses pictures of aborted babies to make their point. Would Rosie be okay with conservatives showing pictures of aborted babies? Most likely not. Why not? Most likely because she knows how effective the pictures would be at getting the point across, and this would border on propaganda in her mind. Maybe we can make a deal with the libs: we'll use whatever pictures we want in voicing our side of the debate, and she can use whatever pictures she wants for her side of the debate.


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