Thursday, April 26, 2007

Politics of Fear

I've been hearing lately that Giuliani is using the "politics of fear" to gain support from voters. What I haven't heard is any of the democrats actually address the merits of what Rudy had to say (a dem winning the '08 elections will bring us back to pre-9/11 security). Terrorism is a fact of life and absolutely must be addressed. 9/11 happened because there was a failure to address the issue, and backing away from it by citing the "politics of fear" is not going to change anything. What do the democrats plan to do to prevent another 9/11? I really don't know because they aren't saying. The dems know they can't win on this issue because they are pro-"civil liberties" which would wipe out the Patriot Act, they are anti-"profiling" which means we can't target specific individuals, they are pro-'the working man' as well as pro-environment' which means they've backed themselves into a corner where affordable gasoline is concerned...they have so many contradictory positions to keep and groups to please.

And let's talk about the 'politics of fear': isn't that what their whole global warming crisis is about? Scaring the heck out of us that the earth is going to implode if we don't pay for carbon offsets right now? Don't they scare senior citizens into thinking that Republicans are going to wipe out Social Security and Medicare? The democrats invented the politics of fear.

Monday, April 02, 2007

The Kerrys and Global Warming

I just watched John Kerry and Teresa Heinz Kerry on the O'Reilly Factor promoting their new book on global warming. O'Reilly wanted to know their thoughts on the flack that Al Gore received for living in a huge mansion and flying in private jets. The Kerrys explained their book is not about who has and who doesn't have what, it's about what we all can do to help solve the "problem" of global warming.

As being one who is tired of hearing wealthy liberals tell the rest of the country to cut back, when most likely the majority of the country simply cannot afford to be wasteful, I had a few ideas of what the average American can vow to do, or not do, to help the global warming crisis:

Vow not to fly in private jets
Vow not to take limos of any sort to public appearances
Vow not to buy homes larger than 10,000 square feet

I think that seems like a fair and reasonable start